Thursday, June 05, 2008

You're perusing the playlist of the June 5, 2008 edition of the Breakfast of Champions on WMBR Cambridge.

(08:00 - continuing my journey through some favorites of the 1990's)
Spinanes - "Oceanwide"
Versus - "Jealous"
P J Harvey - "Sheela-Na-Gig"

(08:15 - climbing into the mid-50's as far as rankings go)
Tindersticks - "My Sister"
Mark Eitzel - "Always Turn Away"
Shot X Shot - "Autobonsai" (background music)

(08:30 - band of the week)
Pedro The Lion - "Of Up And Coming Monarchs"
Pedro The Lion - "Rapture"
Pedro The Lion - "Discretion"

(08:45 - getting this ship in shape)
Don Lennon - "Double Dong"
Ween - "Springtheme"
The Lucksmiths - "Untidy Towns"
Luna - "Rhythm King"

(09:00 - new music hour)
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - "Where Is The Puzzle?"
Shearwater - "Leviathan, Bound"
Eef Barzelay - "The Girls Don't Care"
My Education - "Sluts and Maniacs" (background music)

(09:20 - pure post-concert report bliss)
Windsor for the Derby - "Hold On"
Douglas Armour - "Prince of Wands"
Little Beirut - "Acid Wash Soul"
Alejandro Escovedo - "Golden Bear"

(09:40 - new music never sounds so simple)
Haley Bonar - "Something Great"
The Hands Of The Wrong People - "Sweet Storms"
Fleet Foxes - "Quiet Houses"
Nethers - "When The Eye Comes Down"

(09:55 - conclusions calamity)
The Ting Tings - "Be The One"

The aural accompaniment to this playlist can be found in WMBR's archives - but hurry! They only last two weeks!

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