Thursday, November 20, 2008

The decision to pick up wet leaves in relatively warm weather last weekend has paid dividends as I'd prefer that set of cirmcumstances to picking up dry leaves in sub-freezing temperatures. The mulcher spews a fine dust that permeated the fibers of my jeans so tightly that the power of tide could not separate the two. Let's hope a more forceful application of colorful chemicals are able to wrest away the brown patches that make it look like I've been voluntarily wading ankle deep in a dirty brown river. Perhaps this herky jerky mix of nuts and bolts will engender a similarly disquieting feeling of knowing where you've been but not why it left such an impression.

The Grand Prize

Max Tundra / Skeletons / Three Second Kiss / The Wolverton Brothers / Final Fantasy / Telepathe / Gang Gang Dance / Starvin Hungry

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