Thursday, March 01, 2007

Playlist for Breakfast of Champions on Thursday, March 1st 2007

(8:00 - wish I was dead)
Ian North - "My Girlfriend's Dead"
Altered Images - "Dead Pop Stars"
Detention - "Dead Rock & Rollers"
Drop Nineteens - "The Dead"
King Cobb Steelie - "Deadbeat" (background music)

(8:15 - more dead songs)
Joe Henry - "Dead To The World"
American Music Club - "The Dead Part of You"
Sleeper - "Ha Ha You're Dead"
The Autuers - "Dead Sea Navigators"
Maurice Ravel - "Pavane for a Dead Princess"

(8:30 - band of the week)
Portastatic - "Running Water"
Portastatic - "Baby"
Portastatic - "Autumn Got Dark"
Broadcast - "Dead The Long Year" (background music)

(8:45 - left for dead)
Depth Charge - "Dead By Dawn"
New Musik - "Dead Fish (Don't Swim Home)"
Brilliant Corners - "She's Dead"
Add N to (X) - "The Regent Is Dead" (background music)

(9:00 - time for an hour of new music)
Cortney Tidwell - "LaLa"
Let's Go Sailing - "Better Off"
Palomar - "Our Haunt"
Sybarite - "Dot The Lines" (concert report music)

(9:20 - more new music)
Nurse & Soldier - "Bought Up Too Soon"
The Brothers Martin - "Get The Money"
Arcade Fire - "(antichrist television blues)"
Don Lennon - "Our Bodies"

(9:40 - lotsa new music)
BARR - "Half of Two Times Two (Newer Version)"
Bobby Conn - "Love Let Me Down"
The Caution Curves - "Christmas"
Peter Bjorn & John - "Roll The Credits"

(9:55 - the appropriate conclusion)
The Apples In Stereo - "Same Old Drag/Joanie Don't U Worry"

if you missed the show you still have 2 weeks to catch it on the archives!

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