Thursday, October 09, 2008

A majority of the WMBR Breakfast of Champions crew is now keeping the playlist live on track-blaster as well, you can go there to see the play-by-play for October 9, 2008 as well.

(08:00 - isn't it grande? isn't it?)
The Evolution Control Committee - "Isn't It Grand To Be A Christian"
David Karsten Daniels - "Oh, Heaven Isn't Real"
Northern Picture Library - "Isn't It Time You Faced The Truth?"
The Field Mice - "Anyone Else Isn't You"
Galaxie 500 - "Isn't It A Pity"

(08:15 - whatever this is, it isn't it)
Giant Drag - "This Isn't It"
Ultra Vivid Scene - "This Isn't Real"
East River Pipe - "The Club Isn't Open"
The Clientele - "Isn't Life Strange?"
Martin Rev - "Narcisse" (background music)

(08:30 - this is band of the week)
Bjork - "5 Years"
Bjork - "Unison"

(08:45 - i'm positive this isn't true)
The Chameleons - "A Person Isn't Safe Anywhere These Days"
The Radio Department - "Where Damage Isn't Already Done"
Headlights - "It Isn't Easy To Live That Well"

(09:00 - new music begins here)
Sofia Talvik - "Burning Fields"
Marianne Dissard - "Sans-Façon"
Lowfish - "DFD" (concert report music)

(09:20 - new music continues here)
Margot and the Nuclear So & So's - "German Motor Car"
Palms - "End Of Term"
Marnie Stern - "The Package Is Wrapped"
Ghost of the Russian Empire - "The Winter Soldier"

(09:40 - new music winds up here)
The Rosebuds - "Bow To The Middle"
Army Navy - "My Thin Sides"
Her Space Holiday - "Just Another Day"
Pretty & Nice - "Wandering Eye"
The Manhattan Love Suicides - "Burning Wire"

(09:55 - i am pleased to be able to end the programme)
Jesus H. Christ and the Four Hornsmen of the Apocalypse - "Julie on the Fung Wah Bus"

Of course the WMBR archive has this show and every show over the past 2 weeks, don't be silly.

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